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    "Cioccolato in Festa" in Soave Oct. 7th and 8th

    Tomorrow, like every year, Soave is dating Chocolate with its Chcolate Festival. On Oct. Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th, our beautiful medieval town Soave will host some of the best chocolate masters from many italian regions that are going to sweet everyone up!  During the festival you will have the chance to personally see how chocolate masters work. In addition to chocolate candies, the masters will be making chocolate sculptures, real works of art. And when your mouth will be tired of chocolate, just sip some nice Soave wine and enjoy the traditional taste of risotto...

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    Harvest 2017

    Dear winelovers, even though we had to stand some rainy days during this harvest, we are now finally done with the harvest in Lavagno, Valpolicella Doc area, where our vines of Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella are.     The vintage, despite the drought that lasted for almost the whole summer and the hail storms that hit hard some places around us, gave us healthy and perfectly ripe grapes. The rain that we had to experience suring the harvest did slow down the rhythms a little, expecially for the Amarone since its grapes must be picked when they are...

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    The grape path to ripeness: the veraison

    The harvest is getting close and the grapes are getting close to ripeness. Some clusters are more ripe than others and the berries are all of the same colour. Though, some clusters take it easy and they take their time to ripe: you can recognize them because the berries colour may change from one berry to the other. This is what is called "veraison" or colour change. What veraison is? The veraison is the phenologic phase in which we can see the change of colour of the berries when they grow up well. In the case of the red grapes the colour of the berries from...

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    Qual è l'origine del nome delle uve della Valpolicella?

    Durante una degustazione, la nostra amica Giovanna ci ha fatto una domanda davvero interessante. Da cosa deriva il nome delle uve? Nella maggior parte dei casi, l’etimologia delle parole deriva dalla tradizione. E dobbiamo ammettere che i nostri antenati avevano una grande fantasia nel chiamare le cose basandosi sulle loro caratteristiche peculiari. Oggi vogliamo approfondire questo aspetto e rivelarvi qualche curiosità legata al nome dei vitigni della Valpolicella. Le uve più tipiche della Valpolicella sono la Corvina, il Corvinone e la Rondinella, a...

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